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The Charting Your Legacy study is designed for those entrusted with significant resources.

The objective of the study is to help you finish your life well so that you will hear these words from the Lord ringing in your ears throughout eternity, “Well done, good and faithful servant . . . enter into the joy of your master” (Matthew 25:21).

Together with those in your group, you will explore the unusual challenges and wonderful opportunities that face the wealthy – all from God’s point of view. These timeless truths will help you discover a greater measure of contentment, confidence that you are in God’s will, and the joy of making an eternal difference.

Charting Your Legacy

SKU: 978-90-829041-6-1
  • Modules

    1. Transferring Ownership
    2. Legacy of Lifestyle
    3. How Much Is Enough?
    4. Legacy of generosity
    5. Finishing Well
  • You may be charged a customs fee upon received of the book because it is printed and shipped from the UK.

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