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Money, Mammon & the Monkey: The Parable Of The Shrewd Manager

The book is all about managing money - God's way, using Jesus' parable from Luke 16. The book is about being a wise manager in today's economy, with a story from the New Testament times. The monkey is mammon. Jesus said, "you cannot serve bot God and mammon!" This book will challenge your thinking about your own responsibilities as a faithful steward.

Managing money is not just a technical exercise, but a spiritual discipline. There is an active power behind money which Jesus unmasked. He stated that "you cannot serve both God and Mammon."

Monkey Business is all about managing our money wisely. The monkey is 'mammon' who is constantly seeking to destroy our relationship with God and our neighbour!

This book uses the parable of Jesus, told in Luke, chapter 16 and verses 1 to 15, called in many translations 'The Unjust Steward.' This book will explan how his master called the steward 'shrewd,' and how we can deal 'shrewdly' with money in all our daily affairs.

Peter describes how the clever monkey tries to trick us in ignoring Gods ways and in using people instead of serving them. He gives very practical ways in which to become shrewd managers of Gods resources, using money to benefit people, helping them to enjoy Gods Kingdom. 

How does mammon affect our financial decisions? How can the influence of mammon be overcome? How can we use our money in a way that God would want us to?

How does mammon affect our financial decisions? How can the influence of mammon be overcome? How can we use our money in a way that God would want us to? This book will challenge your thinking about handling money as a faithful steward of what God has entrusted us with.


Money, Mammon & the Monkey

SKU: 978-90-829041-0-9
  • About a third of Jesus’ words were spoken in parables and

    about half of these had to do with money and possessions.

    In this book, ‘Monkey Business,’ Peter Briscoe sets about

    to inspire us from one parable which is one of the most difficult

    to understand. His novel approach to Jesus message on stewardship

    of the resources entrusted to us has certainly inspired me! Since I

    started on the topic of Biblical stewardship in 1974 and developing

    first Crown Ministries and then Compass - finances God’s way, I am

    constantly surprised at how many new and unique ways God teaches

    me to manage money and possessions - His way!

    Peter Briscoe is surely qualified to speak in the subject. He has

    been a leader in stewardship teaching in Europe for decades, and

    most importantly, he has lived and practiced what he preaches!

    He has been a respected business leader in the chemical and space

    exploration industries, combining his faith in Christ with business

    acumen. Peter has pioneered many Christian organisations involved

    in stewardship, serving churches, businesses and the public with

    innovative approaches to solve everyday problems and to help people

    grow in their faith!

    This book will challenge your thinking about your own responsibilities

    as a faithful steward. Managing money is not merely a technical

    exercise, but also a spiritual discipline. This book is entered

    around Jesus unequivocal statement, “You cannot serve both God

    and mammon!” Most Bible translations render what Jesus called ‘mammon’ as money or wealth. In this book, Peter shows that thereis much more depth to the word mammon than just money. Hedescribes a power behind money which is diametrically opposed toGod and which competes for our allegiance. The monkey in thisbook is mammon and in a humorous way, Peter describes how theclever monkey tries to trick us in ignoring Gods ways and in usingpeople instead of serving them.Peter gives very practical ways in which to become shrewd managersof Gods resources, using money to benefit people, helping them toenjoy Gods Kingdom.I can heartily recommend this book for all followers of Jesus whowant to grow in financial discipleship and generosity.

    Howard Dayton, founder and CEO,Compass - finances God’s way.

  • You may be charged a customs fee upon received of the book because it is printed and shipped from the UK.

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