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Building Business Wealth!


"Wealth is what is left after money has gone!"

Wealth is an abundance of different resources which we can use. The purpose of building wealth, in all its dimensions. is so that we can fully participate in the life God has given us, take care of and enjoy His creation, and be a blessing to those whom God brings across our path. Wealth is made possible by the Lord Himself! The key statement for this book is that God made through Moses is from Deuteronomy 8:18.

"Beware lest you say in your heart. 'My power and the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth You shall remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the power to get wealth, that he may confirm the covenant that he swore to your fathers. as it is this day.

God promised to empower us to build wealth, with a special purpose - to make His covenant with us a reality, to see His covenantal promises fulfilled.


This book uses the concept of '5- Assets', which refers to the resources we can use to develop wealth - capital that the business can utilize to build wealth for all concerned. It will take our focus off money as the only form of wealth and give us a balanced view of wealth from God's perspective...

The Big 5 - Asset Based Corporate Development

SKU: 9789083228525
  • Peter J. Briscoe

  • You may be charged a customs fee upon receiving of the book because it is printed and shipped from the UK.

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