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This book is called, “The Flow,” because learning to live and work in God’s economy is like allowing yourself to be carried along by the flow of the Spirit, leading and guiding you through the economy of the world in which we live. The economy of the kingdom of God is not a structure to be built, but a stream of God’s activity to be experienced. It is my prayer that you experience being carried along on streams of Living Water, which bring life into the world in which God has placed us. In this book, we will discuss ways in which the economics of the Kingdom of God can influence our worldly economy; how can we ensure the gospel of the Kingdom can permeate our earthly systems.

Jesus said, “My Kingdom is not of this world.” The economics of the Kingdom are different from man’s economy. Read on to find out how.


“Seek first (the economics of) the Kingdom of God, and all these things will be given to you.” Jesus

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