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Compass Switzerland


Marco Maniscalco, leader of

Compass Switzerland


Mission Statement


We encourage biblical management of our finances thus allowing people to experience the love of God for his children in their material lives.



We would like to see Christians living as faithful managers in all areas of their lives (private life, church, work) and make available the surplus of finances in the service of the mission entrusted to us according to Matthew 28: 18-20.



God would like us to recognize that he is the owner of everything, that we are dependent on him and that we become faithful managers. The Bible contains more than 2,300 verses that speak of a wise management of finances, verses that are still important today. The Word gives us many keys to solve our financial problems and helps us to invest our means according to the will of God.


We teach biblical asset management to individuals, groups, and communities so that they can learn, practice, and pass on to others. We develop teaching materials, organize seminars and trainings, encourage budgeting, and offer many tips and materials in everyday life issues. Above all, we would like to train people so that they become multipliers of the love of Christ.

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Visit the web site:

'Compass - Les finances selon la Bible'

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