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Let’s take a unique look into the halls of Mammon’s dark domain, where the attractiveness of money and the promise of success echo through those chambers of power.

Welcome to “Mammon’s Helpdesk,” a chilling tale of temptation, manipulation, and the seductive allure of wealth. In C.S. Lewis's "The Screwtape Letters," we read about a fascinating and often unsettling exploration of temptation through the correspondence between Screwtape, a senior devil, and his nephew, Wormwood, a junior tempter. In a satirical way, Lewis expounds on how the senior devil explains to his junior how he can tempt the ‘patient’ into a sinful life, ignoring the will of ‘the Enemy.’

Using this work as the basis, this book will explore how Mammon, the devilish god behind money, advises his junior devils who seek to help Mammon compete for our devotion, service and love. In a sequence of letters between master and disciples, the readers are introduced into a realm of deceit and treason, in which every message is a trap and every move – a strategy.

From New York's offices to London's streets, Mammon and his disciples conduct a concert of enticement, ensnaring the innocent with dreams of wealth for eternity. Just suppose for a moment that the devilish Mammon is giving his vile lessons to his diabolical pupils on taking advantage of the sins of our pride and greed. However, the apprentices learn that this is not a journey without danger, and the price he is willing to pay for it may be higher than he expected. For in the world of Mammon, where all the sin’s pleasures are offered for a fee, the difference between success and eternal doom is a hair’s breadth.

But who is this Mammon, and what is the hidden sin behind his unyielding eyes? As the god of money, Mammon is a master of lies and deceit and uses the lust for riches to control mortal beings. However, as the outer shell of luxury masks the man, his heart is black, and he craves only more. Mammon whispers in a way he is conditioned to speak in his sinister guidance: by telling lies and distorting God’s Words.

Welcome to an exploration of the darkness within and the temptations of gold. But be careful – for in the world of Mammon, everything is not what it appears to be, and every desire has its price. Welcome to the dark world of “Mammon's Helpdesk.” 

Mammon's Helpdesk

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