Compass in Slovenia

Prof. Dr. Dragica Kisilak is the leader of the Christian professional Association "Poslovni tok Slovenija." (Professional Stream Slovenia)
The topic of money - is not discussed frequently enough, so that individuals are mostly left to their own devices. Why should we struggle every day with such important questions, when the Bible has much more to say about money and possessions than about almost any other thing?
Through this study you will learn the principles of dealing with money God's way, and at the same time discover that your attitude to your finances is one of the key things in life, and how much it impacts you and your loved ones.
Compass materials "Tudi tvoj denar šteje / Your money counts" and study book "Upravljanje z denarjem na Božji način / Navigating your finances God’s way" are available in the Slovenian language
Mail me at: dragica.kisilak@poslovnitok.si