Zoom Cafe
We hold a monthly webinar to help you in your Financial Discipleship Journey. We invite experienced leaders to address important for you topics. It is an interactive time, where you can ask your questions. share opinion and pray with others. The webinar takes place every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 19:30 Central European Time (CET). If you want to organize translation into your language, please email pavel@compass1.eu.
March's Zoom Cafe Topic: The Ministry of Fundraising
Our Heavenly Father owns the cattle on 1000 hills (Psalms 50:10), and yet most Christian leaders are anxious and nervous about fundraising. This workshop will provide a different prism as you work with partners to resource your ministry. Come learn how to not only steward your donations, but also steward your donors, volunteers and partners. Greg Long has more than 40 years of experience teaching leadership principles and practices in
church, academic, and community settings. His 2017 book, God’s Powerful Vision for your Life: The BIG Idea, highlights leadership traits and examples from the Book of Nehemiah. He has traveled to many countries and worked with hundreds of international leaders in such diverse areas as Europe, Iceland, Latin America, India, Thailand, Indonesia and South Africa. For more than 15 years, Greg has taught leadership, business and management course at both the undergrad and graduate level in three universities. Since 2017, he has served as a leader the Organisational Development and Fundraising Network for the European Leadership Forum (ELF). He has also served with ELF as a cohort mentor and workshop presenter. Greg is a Magna Cum Laude graduate from Park University with a Masters in Philanthropic Studies through the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. Greg and his wife, Elaine, live in Ohio in the USA.
Future webinars
More information coming soon...